Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Three E-books Are On Sale and They're available for Preview & Reviews! :-)

Hello everyone! *Waves at my newest followers* It's been a while since I been on here. Welp now I'm back and I'll be back like never before! I'm presently promoting my three latest ebooks which are now on sale and they're a good read. If you can't click on the link, you can copy and paste them. Check em' out! :)




The imposing performance graduates with my highlight.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Website Updates & Business Goals

Greetings new subscribers! I'd like thank all of you for subscribing to my personal blog. It's been almost a month since I updated this blog. I need to get back into the swing of doing so. Welp as some of you are aware, I inaugurated my first two new websites: www.napturalosity.webs.com and www.write4yourlifebookclub.webs.com. I'm still learning how to market them successfully. Napturalosity has 34 members so far. *Pats myself on the back* But I could not have done it without Twitter. I'd like to thank my new members for joining and participating in what Napturalosity has to offer. I'm working steadfastly on making Napturalosity and Write4yourlife one of the most chart topping promotional websites of this decade. I'm also promoting Robin Polite's Mary Kay Store. She's a new Mary Kay Consultant and she's pretty cool. She also happens to be the mother of R&B Singer Lloyd. Not only am I a huge aficionado of her son but I was once a Mary Kay Consultant. I've worn a few "Independent Consultant" hats in the past and I can attest to how competitive it is. I'm sure she would be proud of what I'm doing and I'm sure she'll catch wind of it. Feel free to browse her store, you may find what you like. Don't forget to spread the word about Napturalosity and Write4yourlife. Thanks :-)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My New Humble Abode

I recently moved to a new residence. I like it very much. It's very tranquil and serene. I cannot complain one bit. It's a major upgrade from where I previously resided. :-)

What's New

Shalom everyone! I have fantastic news! I'm currently working on two of my forthcoming enterprises and I've already created a Twitter account for both of them. First and foremost I'd like to thank all of you for being faithful in my potential. Words can't express how thankful I am and you won't be disappointed. Within a few weeks, I'll be creating a website per business and I'll be showcasing them afterwards. Until then, I'm still laying down the groundwork such as, creating their website, Facebook fan page, as well as their Twitter account. Both businesses are going to be epically UNIQUE and epically MAGNIFIQUE. Stay tuned folks!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Out With the Old, In With the New

Shalom everyone! I'm feeling great! I'll be moving into another domicile this week while I'll be working on my first website. Well..it's been activated for a few months now but it only has a title Lol. Welp anywhore...I had ANOTHER job interview last week and I'll find out by Tuesday if I'm hired or not. I recently closed my Face Book account because it's contaminated with all sorts of foolery. It took for me to realize that it wasn't Face Book. Instead, it was the kind of people I befriended. I chatted with some of them for over two years now and I never met them in person. I grew tired of the humdrum discourse about Lloyd and how unfulfilled my life was. Not only that, I came under fire for some of the pejorative comments I made about their mickey mouse fan club which is dedicated to him. For some of you who may not know, I'm a die-hard Lloyd STANatic and I've been advocating him for over three years now. Long story short...I no longer speak to some of his other minions/so-called acquaintences; in fact, I burnt some bridges with two of the fans I was still amicable with; however, I most certainly will NOT retract any of the opprobrious remarks I made. You can pour sugar on a piece of turd but it's not going to look or taste like a brownie. (I'm not going to sugar coat bullshit). The situation could have been handled differently but I strongly doubt it. A majority of the people in his community are either, stuck up, illiterate, nigga-fied, scorpionic, childish, fraudulent, stale, or just too damn OLD to be salivating over him. I guess that goes for any artist Lol I'm just glad I renounced that crowd because they have practically dumb me down to the sewer pit. That's why I'm redeeming myself Lmao! Welp in more relevant news..I'm going to start my own social networking book club and I can't express how zealous I am about it. I also have another website that's in the works and my book is slated to be released this November. I'm also trying to acquire the Hebrew Israelite knowledge and while doing so, I'm coming across some intriguing deep stuff; although, I've been taught about most of it for many years. Welp..that's the best news I ever had since initiating this blog. Stay tuned for more good news :-)...*POOF*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Greetings new followers! *Waves* I'm happy to announce that I found a life success coach who offered to assist me with materializing my writing career free of charge :D My novel is currently being edited. Two out of three isn't bad, but I still want to occupy the third slot Lol. I concede that I spent too much time sleuthing celebrities when I should be focusing on what matters the most. I could give a shit less about who The Dream is fornicating with or Amber Rose getting her hoo hoo tongued by Nicki Van-Dyke. I'm going to invest valuable time into edu-taining myself about HIStory while mapping out my future. Time waits for no one and that is why I'm going to use it sagely. Invest your time responsibly folks because tomorrow isn't a promise to anyone :-)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Greetings everyone, I thank all of you for subscribing to my blog. I'm currently locking my hair and I really enjoy it. It's apart of me evolving as a person. As some of you know it's been six agonizing months since I had a job and I have an upcoming job interview that's scheduled for next week. It seems promising but I'm not holding my breath until I hear the two words: You're hired. Two many so-called employers have hoodwinked me in the past and that is the reason why I'm handling my second interview with caution. Meanwhile, I decided to let both of my friends go. I haven't spoken to them in a while. They were nice people but we slowly drifted apart. I didn't think it was necessary for me to continue contacting them when they stopped calling me. They're probably wondering about my whereabouts but..I don't intend to follow up and contact them anymore; Although, I wish them the best. I honestly found them to be dead weight and it's something I don't need while I'm still trying to ameliorate my life and finances. During these trying times, I made a decision to let the past be the past. I no longer communicate with anyone other than my immediate family members and my extended family members (My grandma, Uncle Bernard, and Aunt Oletha) The rest of them are dead to me. I officially killed them off for good. I love solidarity and I only love the people who reciprocates the love. The rest of them are ghosts, they're non-existent and they mean absolutely nothing to me. I'll be sure to keep you guys in the loop on my second interview. Thanks again and I'll see you next week. :-)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Extra...Extra...Blog All About It.....

Greetings followers! I'm elated to inform all of you that I've landed a publishing deal!!! Yaayyy!!! it's been a grueling journey but it still worked itself out! so...let me thank all of you for following my blog and believing in me! You don't understand how appreciative I am :-)...I'm still unemployed but..eventually I'll be working again. My book won't be edited until next month. Once it's concluded, I'll notify all of you. Meanwhile, I'm presently working on my second novel. It's called "He doesn't know I'm alive." Keep your peepers opened for that one. It's going to be the bestest Lol. I have major plans for the remainder of this year and next year. I'm not going to be just another self published author..I'm going to be a world renown best selling author. I'm going to tour, promote, and engage in book signings. My voice will be heard and my presence will be felt. I'm a literary force to be reckoned with. My book will be like no other. Once I'm on top of my game, I'll reward the people who stuck with me through thick and thin. I'm not going to stop at being a writer..I'm also going to put my acting skills to the test. Trust me folks..I'm going to on your radio, your television, and your book shelves. I urge you not to shut your eyes on me yet. I'm going to be one of the most talked about talents..MARK MY WORDS! I'm about to give these naysayers and yaysayers something to talk, tweet, and blog about. This is where Marketing & promoting comes in. Stay tuned...:-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My current situation...

(Sighs)....it's been a hot & sunny Florida minute since I last frequented & updated this blog. Sighs...where do I begin...welp...I still haven't published my novel yet; however, I'm on the cusp of being rehired by a former employer of mine. My tenure at this job will be brief just like the last time...I'm only working to espouse my writing career. I have a few contact #'s on deck and as soon as I get my cash up...I'll be phoning folks asap. As long as my father held down the fort..I will compensate him for his 30 years of hard labor. It's a shame how he scratches and scrounges only to makes ends meet. He barks and bitch about his job incessantly. He has to survive off of a measly paycheck. I know first hand how difficult it is to support three people (including himself) off of a meager salary. Well when the time comes, I'll reward him accordingly. I decided to carve alot people out of my life. (Spring Clean) I no longer see the need in hauling dead weight. There are people I choose to acknowledge and there are people I refuse to acknowledge, bottom line. As much as I don't want to regress back into captivity..it's the only way I'm going to bring my novel into fruition. No one is going to do it except me because this is not only my passion but it's also my livelihood. I know that I'm going to have a stellar writing career. I can already foresee my future...I'm a visionary. I'm not an agented or traditionally published author but I'm already a bestselling author hands down. But I'll leave it at that because...seeing is believing...stay tuned :-)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Water is Thicker Than Blood...

Sighs..It's been a while since I've updated my blog. Welp..I guess it's time for me to start my "Rant and Roll" session. My dad kicked me out of the room because he wanted his "Me" time. I rode the bus to the library. I thought it was waste of time because I couldn't stop wondering when I'm going to get my first REAL break. As usual, I emailed publishers and I searched through twitter in hopes of finding a publisher. I was bored and depressed. I have no other source of income and the money I spent for bus fare could have been put to better use. I contemplated about seeing that new Tyler Perry flick called "Why did I get Married too" but I changed my mind. I spent a couple of a hours in that damn library. I spent the whole time thinking about my finances, my life, my presence, my past, and my future.The more despondent I became the more I wanted to exit that f*cking library. By the time I left the library, I decided that I wasn't going to take the bus home.I wanted to walk and ponder my predicament. I thought about how bad things really were two years prior to now. I remember when I lost my job, my car, and my studio apartment and I also thought about my so called family. Especially my b*tch @$$ ex uncle. He and his wife are one of those religious nuts. They preach a good gospel but they contradict their selves every time. Basically, they're full of shit. These are the same people who wires money to ravenous impoverished children in third world countries. One time my ex uncle told me he wired $1,0000.00 to T.D. Jake's deceptive bald headed @$$. They're willing to lick the pearls out of his mud hole. He and his wife are willing to help strangers before they help their own flesh in blood. It's nauseating how they revere these fraudulent @$$ fleecers. We never asked them for a damn thing and when we really needed their helping hands..they turned their backs on us and dragged our names through the mud. My aunt begged this bastard to wire money to us via western union. We had no food in the refrigerator and I was the only working adult in the house hold at the time. This decomposed snaggletoothed fished eyed chump tells us he loves us but when we ask him to reach out to us..he tells us that his "God" told him not to help us. This T.D. FAKES calls him self a man of god but he doesn't practice what he preach. He and his other half idolize the ground that Pimptificating ass T.D. Jakes walks on. These motherf*ckers have the gull to trash, bash, blast, and lambast my dad by saying he isn't a real man after all of the sacrifices he made for us. My dad parted w/ alot of sentimental sh*t just so we wouldn't go hungry or homeless. My ex uncle and his wife aren't oblivious to that shit. They know it's the truth. Just because my dad isn't a christian and doesn't observe holidays doesn't mean he's some satanic witch demon. Most of my family members portray my dad as the bad guy, especially my ex uncle and his wife. While his wife is fighting this bullsh*t war and putting her life in jeopardy, he's probably at home f*cking her best friend. He proclaimed he would never have an extramarital affair..HORSE FEATHERS! I know he f*cked the walls out of her bf's vajayjay. No woman in her bright and right mind is going to allow her single best friend to stay with her husband while she's overseas for several months to a year. I don't care how holier than thou my ex uncle claims to be..he's still a man in the flesh. While his wife is out of the country..he's f*cking the holy ghost out of her best friend. I don't give a shit how much he prays and thumbs through the bible. These motherf*ckers preach the gospel but I don't think they know what it means. When they verbally attacked my father it felt like a kick in the ribs. How dare they call their selves "GOD's Children" when they walk around crucifying folks. They're in NO position to scold anyone. They kicked us while we were at our lowest. After they denounced my dad..I no longer communicate w/ them or acknowledge their existence. I've officially disowned them. F*CK THEM & THEIR GOVERNMENT CHECKS! The only support system I have is my parents and my only sister. EXTENDED FAMILY MY BLACK LLOYD LOVING ASS...FUCK EM! When we fall down NONE of them are going to lift us up. I pray and I hope that I have a speedy victory...I've already created a mental "F*CK YOU" & "THANK YOU" list for the people I will never forget and the people I'm going to purposely forget about..I had coworkers who helped me while many of my so-called relatives dropped the ball. I understand how tough it is for many people but if you're able to reach out to someone..It's the most spiritual and humane thing to do. One day I'm going to have my time to shine, forget, and move on..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"What's The Dealio"

I've took a few days off from writing..I don't want to slack off, so I want to keep you all updated about the latest buzz of what's going on with my current project, short stories, and celebrity buz also. I'm currently working on a jewerly line. I'll be sure to keep you updated on that as well. My jewelry line is going to be fabulous. I'll be putting my best work forward..stay tuned for that :-)

Friday, March 26, 2010

This Song is My Personal Anthem

This song never gets old..:-)

"Single Hood"

I was reading an article on the front page of MSN about how to be satisfied with being single. Some of the contents in the article describes me to the core especially the ones about 1.Getting to know yourself 2. Pesky roommates 3. Eating what you want 4. Doing what you want. I've been single forever. It's been a year and some change since I kissed a guy. He was a good kisser, but he wanted to cling onto me like a damn refrigerator magnet. He was an insecured, contradictive, self absorbed, vindictive, manipulative, domineering, promiscuous pussy boy who thought he knew everything. I only knew him for three days..thank goodness. I kicked his ass to the nearest curb I could find. Let's just say..I left him on the curb for the sanitation department truck to pick him up and haul his ass away. We were an uneven match. He had a sordid past and he was only going to clutter my life with all of his bull fuckery. I need a man who understands me and it's hard to find someone who's compatible to you. My friend is one of those women who are hell bent on having a companion. She continues to go back to the same men. Her life is littered with complexity and all sorts of horse feathers. I think she dates innumerous men just to feel valid about herself. She doesn't know whether she's going or coming or coming or going. I think it's due to her not having a father fixture in her life. She's always wailing about being alone and other dumb shit. Her love life is a triangular reality show and I just don't have the ears or tolerence for it. She's a good friend and all but she's also in dire need of love. I can understand her frustrations but I can't totally relate to her because I love being alone. She chooses to indulge in self pity and loneliness while I'm trying to emerge from the bull foolery and mundaness called "My life" I'm too busy pursuing other endeavors while she chooses to reiterate the same fuckery from last year. I haven't eradicated her out of my life because she's a good person. I guess I'll keep her around for the time being..hopefully she'll find some happiness and that's a gigantic MAYBE. I think about getting married and having kids, but if it's not apart of the creator's will, I'll still be content with it. I love being by my lonesome and if it's the only thing that'll keep the tumultuous fuckery out of my life then..so be it :-)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Will the Real Female Emcees Please Stand Up?!

This is Lauryn Hill during her Pre-crazy hay day. I bought The Miseducation CD and Cassette Tape. Now this is what I call real music. Not that psuedo Barbie madness these young women are trying to emulate. People forget that Lauryn Hill was one of the first true hip hop female emcees who paved the way for Nicki Minaj.Old school hip hop is now an afterthought to the young generation. I pay homage and credit to where it's due: Real Music. Take a look...

"Shock Jock"

I'm going to start a short story called, "Shock Jock" It's about a disgruntled radio personality who seeks revenge on an academy award winning actor named Floyd Hypolite after he turns down her dinner proposal..

This Woman is So Fortunate to be Alive

A london woman was driving on the expressway until she was cut off the driver of an 18 wheeler. Somehow her car got trapped to the front grill of the truck causing the driver to barrel her car 60 miles per hour down the highway with her INSIDE. She said she called 911 and she told them she was going to die. The bizarre accident lasted for one minute. Drivers were trying to get the truck driver driver's attention but it was no use. Finally he truck driver must have noticed something was wrong and that was when he halted the truck. She said he didn't seem the least bit concerned. Fortunately he's been suspended but it'll always be a life changing experience for her. DRIVE CAREFULLY FOLKS..

Who the hell still utilize Myspace...

I remember when Myspace used to be the ish. People and their mothers had myspace. That was until Twitter became an entity. I prefer twitter more than Myspace because it's more easier to use in my opinion. It's a better way to self promote yourself. Celebrities still use it only for tour dates, blogging, or music purposes. I think only teeny weeny boppers use that site. Twitter is more stalkerish but you can still privitize your account. Myspace is almost obsolete now. Tom mind as well pack his bags and find another profession because Myspace is not going to be, hisspace, herspace, ourspace, theirspace, yourspace but..Noone'sspace Lol!

Local Black Harlem Pastor David Manning Calls Al Sharpton a "NAPPY HEADED HOE" Lol!

David Manning is a fiery one man show! I've been tuning into his videos for a year and some change now. He says what he means and he means what he says...he doesn't give two fuckeries what anybody thinks! I love it! Lol

I must warn you..some of the things he says may be quite offensive to some of you. If you're a sensitive Obama advocate..I advise you not to watch it.

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Have any of you ever had a natural hair or weave disaster to wear you had to snip it all off? My hair used to be shoulder length. After chemicalizing it so much, I decided to highlight my hair after dying it a few weeks prior. That's when my hair started falling out. I used to perm my hair and there were times when it didn't take very well. March 7th 2009 was when I made the BC. I've been nappily happy ever since.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Greetings everyone!

I'd like to thank everyone for visiting my new blog. I plan to blog and write about things that comes to mind such as write short stories, videos, current events, etc etc. I invite everyone to do the same. No one is limited in expressing theirselves. (In the Words of Comedian Eddie Griffin: Free Your Mind and Your Ass Shall Follow..Lol)...Feel free to share your opinions about the topics because I'd would to read them. I'll update as much as possible. I'll be giving you nothing but the lastest and greatest.

Happy Bloggings!

Your's Truely
